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Madvillainy 2: The Box



  • Released in 2008
  • CD: Madvillainy “2” The Madlib Remix. 25 tracks. Read more below.
  • 7-INCH: “One Beer (Drunk Version)” Madlib’s original 2004 version, was lost until found on the floor of his Bomb Shelter studio. If you saw the studio you’d understand.
  • CASSETTE: The Madvillainy Demo Tape. 12 tracks, 36 minutes. This is the first and only official release of the infamous Madvillain demo that “leaked into cyberspace,” while the album was still in progress, as DOOM alludes to in the lyrics of “Rhinestone Cowboy.”
  • T-SHIRT: Nominated. Best Rolled L’s. Madvillain shirt. Size XL
  • COMIC BOOK: Is NOT included
  • THE BOX ITSELF: 12x13x3 inches.
  • Outer Box shows surface scratches and a gouge
  • Vinyl cover is slightly bent


Some might say it's sacrilege to revisit a classic album like Madvillainy. You know, like George Lucas messing around with Star Wars and digitally inserting Jabba The Hut rapping with Han Solo. But Madlib’s never been one to respect convention – and he made this one for headphone listening before a ten-hour plane ride to Tokyo. But this reworking (we hate to say remix) was so good that, after we sat with it for a while, we decided that we had to make it available.


Yeah, we’re waiting for the new Madvillain too. Every once in a while, we hear from DOOM, and he tells us he’s getting closer. Madlib still sends him beat CDs. DOOM always remembers our birthdays. But, we don’t have the sequel, and we know every nuance of Madvillainy. So we’ve been bumping this album while we’re patiently waiting. And it’s been good. Like visiting with a friend who you haven’t seen in years and remembering why you were friends, to begin with.

So now you get a chance to get in on it too.



MF Doom Madvillainy 2: The Box






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